Venapally Suresh

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Name Professor V Suresh
(Professor Venapally Suresh)
Address Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Hyderabad,
City Hyderabad
Pin Code 500046
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Service in the Council
Qualification PhD
Membership FASc
  Award INSA Medal for young Scientists, 1997
  Year of Election 2012  
Personal Website ( https:// )

 Suresh Venapally  received his Bachelor's degree (1987) from Osmania University and M.Sc  (1989) from University of Hyderabad. He joined TIFR in 1989 and obtained Ph.D. degree (1994) from the  University of Bombay, specializing in Algebra.

Academic and Research Achievements: Suresh started his research by settling a longstanding question on the discriminants of involutions on central simple algebras.  His thesis work is on the structure of Chow groups of zero-cycles on quadric fibrations over curves over number fields and local fields.  In a joint work with Parimala, he settled  in the affirmative a longstanding conjecture of Kaplansky that every quadratic form in at least nine variables over function fields of non dyadic  p-adic curves has a nontrivial zero. In a recent work with Parimala, he  proved  a local-global principle for Galois cohomology groups of function fields of surfaces over finite fields, which led to various results on the Brauer-Manin obstruction for the existence of 0-cycles of degree 1 for a class of varieties over global fields of positive characteristic.

Awards and Honors:  Suresh is an invited speaker at the  ICM, 2010, recipient of the Bhatnagar Prize for Mathematical Sciences (2009), B.M.  Birla Science  prize (2004), and the INSA Medal for Young Scientists (1997). He is also a Fellow of the  Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore and the National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad.