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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
20584 Biology Cullen, Katherine. 2006 Biosci & Paleontology
16512 Biology and Chemistry of the Composite Heywood, V.H. 1977 Botany
16513 Biology and Chemistry of the composite:Proceedings Heywood, V.H. 1977 Botany
15466 Biology and culture in modern perspective Jorgensen, Joseph G. 1972 Biosci & Paleontology
13396 Biology and energetics of nutrition 1969 Medical Sci
11309 Biology and information: elements of biological Thermodynamics Trincher, Karl Sigmundovich. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
14818 Biology and the human science: Herbert spencer lectures 1970 Pringle, J.W.S.. 1972 Biosci & Paleontology
16616 Biology data book Altman, Philip L. 1972 Biosci & Paleontology
12708 Biology of animal viruses Fenner, Frank. 1968 Biosci & Paleontology
6315 Biology of anopheles gambiae : Research in French West Africa Holstein, M.H 1954 Zoology
9721 Biology of cilia and flagella Sleigh, M.A. 1962 Zoology
9413 Biology of crustacea Green, J 1961 Zoology
4080 Biology of Deserts: Proceedings Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L.. 1954 Biosci & Paleontology
12994 Biology of euglena Buetow, Dennis E 1968 Zoology
1111 Biology of human starvation 1950 Medical Sci
C2075 Biology of India pteridophytes Bir, S.S.. 1987 Botany
C2027 Biology of Indian pteridophytes Bir., S.S 1987 Botany
6937 Biology of marine animals Nicol, J.A.Colin. 1960 Zoology
13343 Biology of mollusca Purchon, R.D 1968 Zoology
2642 Biology of paramecium Wichterman, Ralph 1953 Zoology
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