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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
13922 Birth of mathematics in the age of plato Lasserre, Francois 1964 Mathematics
17820 Birth of particle physics Brown, Laurie M. 1983 Physics
19509 Birth to old age : health in transtion 1995 Medical Sci
Black holes and baby universes and other essays Hawking, Stephen. 1993 Astronomy
19387 Black holes and the universe Novikov, Igor. 1990 Astronomy
19034 Black scientists Yount, Lisa 1991 HistGeoBiography
18478 Black's medical dictionary 1987 Medical Sci
6295 Blakeslee:Genus Datura Avery, Amos G 1959 Botany
2644 Blank's medical dictionary 1955 Medical Sci
Blast-Power and ball istics : Concepts of force and energy in the ancient World Lindsay, Jack 1974 Physics
8006 Blood flow in arteries 1960 Medical Sci
13748 Blood Platelets in man and animals 1969 Medical Sci
20635 Bloomsbury thesaurus edited by Fran Alexander 1997 Generalia
15445 Bomb : Fallout of India's nuclear explosion Seshagiri, N 1975 Engineering
Bombay grasses Blatter, E 1935 Botany
10732 Bone and tooth : Proceedings 1964 Medical Sci
8553 Book of bird life : Study of birds in their native Allen, Arthur A 1961 Zoology
16799 Book of in genius devices Shakir, Banu Musa 1979 Engineering
Book of Indian animals Prater, S.H 1965 Zoology
310 Book of Indian Birds Salim Ali 1947 Zoology
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
