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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C2370 Between MITI and the market: Japanese industrial policy for high technology Okimoto, Daniel I 1989 Social Science
612 Between the planets Watson, Feetcher G. 1941 Astronomy
19829 Beyond the conscious mind : unlocking the secrets of self Blakeslee, Thomas R 1996 Philosophy & Religion
18578 Beyond the gene: Cytopiasmic inheritance and the Struggle for authority in genetics Sapp, Jan. 1987 Biosci & Paleontology
15390 Beyond the horizon Macdonald, Malcolm Ross 1971 HistGeoBiography
7460 Beyond the planet earth Tsiolkovsky, Kosnstantin 1960 Engineering
13356 Bhagavantam volume Balakrishna, S. 1969 Physics
Bhagawat purana : Socio-cultural study Bhagawati, Ghana Kanta 1988 Philosophy & Religion
H720 Bharti ki virangnayen Jain, Mira 1997 HistGeoBiography
H705 Bhartiya krishi ka bhavi swarup Kumar Singh, Pawan. 1999 Social Science
H724 Bhartiya Videsh neeti Dixit, JN Social Science
C189 Bhaskara I and his works Shukla, Krip Shanker 1960 Mathematics
Bhavisayatta kaha of dhanapala Dalal, C.D.. 1967 Arts & Literature
Bhihat samhita Varahamihiracarya. 1968 Astronomy
Bhogar Nighantu attavanai 1966 Medical Sci
Bias in Indian historiography Devahuti, 1980 HistGeoBiography
15763 Bibliographic Control Davinson, Donald 1975 Generalia
15696 Bibliography in theory and practical Chakraborti, M.L 1975 Management
1 Bibliography of early American textbooks on algebra Simons, Lao Genevra 1936 Mathematics
Bibliography of Goa and the Portuguese in Indi8a Scjp;nerg, Henry 1982 HistGeoBiography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
