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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
9985 Color change mechanisms of cold blooded vertebrates Waring, H 1963 Zoology
13138 Colored Icons of rare and interesting fungi Reid, Derek A 1966 Botany
5096 Colorimetric methods of analysis including photometric methods Snell, Foster Dee 1959 Chemistry
14021 Colorimetric methods of analysis: including Photometric methods Snell, Foster Dee 1970 Chemistry
17915 Colors of the stars Malin, David. 1984 Astronomy
14227 Colour chemistry Allen, R.L.M 1971 Chem Tech
18225 Combating Desertification in Developing Countries Jain, J.K 1966 Earth
16644 Combinatorial methods in developmental biology : 1975- 1976 Percus, J.K 1977 Mathematics
16550 Combustion and incineration Processes : Application in environmental engineering Niessen, Walter R 1978 Engineering
10996 Combustion theory: Fundamental theory of chemically reacting flow systems Williams, Forman A 1965 Chem Tech
C2191 Cometary’s and solar plasma physics: invited reviews of the 1987 Plasma Physics Buti, B. ed. 1988 Astronomy
1425 Comets and meteor streams Porter, J.G. 1952 Astronomy
1299 Comets and theiry origin Lyttleton, R.A. 1953 Astronomy
11206 Coming age of solar energy Halacy, D.S 1963 Engineering
Commemorative essays Macdonell, A.A 1977 Philosophy & Religion
10296 Commentary on aristotle's physics Aquinas, Thomas 1963 Physics
Commentary on the isvarapraty abhiinavimarsini of abjinavayupta Iyer, K.A.Subramnia 1938 Philosophy & Religion
Commerce and crafts in Gujrat : 16th and 17th Centuries : Study in the impact of european expansion on precapitalist eco Gopal, Surendra HistGeoBiography
18728 Commerce and Navigation of the Erythracah sea : Ancient India as Discribed 1987 HistGeoBiography
Commercial policy of the Moguls Pant, D Social Science
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