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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C2785 Commercialization of Biotechnologies for agriculture and aquaculture Srivastava, U.K.Fed. 1993 Biosci & Paleontology
Commercialization of biotechnologies for agricultureand aquaculture Srivastava, U.K. ed. 1993 Biosci & Paleontology
12311 Common birds Salim Ali 1967 Zoology
C470 Common Indian birds : Picture album Salim Ali. 1968 Zoology
Common scientist in the seventeenth century : study of the dublin phlin philosophical socity 1683-1708 Hoppen, Theodore 1970 Generalia
19012 Common sense and humour in physics Parish, Leonard 1984 Physics
4429 Common sense and nuclear warfare Russell, Bertrand. 1959 Social Science
17037 Common sense in nuclear energy Hoyle, Fred 1980 Engineering
50 Common sense of the exact sciences Clifford, William Kingdom 1946 Mathematics
12690 Common Wealth in ocean Fisheries : Some Problems of growth and economic allocation Christy, Francis T. 1965 Agriculture
17312 Common Wealth universities yearbook: 1981 Social Science
17314 Commonwealth Universities Yearbook 1981 Christodoulou, A Social Science
19032 Communication for development in the third world: theory and practice Melkote, Srinivas R Social Science
19516 Communication in later life 1995 Medical Sci
1573 Communication in management : Guide to administrative Communication Redfield, Charles E 1954 Management
15362 Communication in modern organizations Vardaman, George T 1973 Management
19241 Communication Networks Management 1992 Generalia
Communication technologies Bhattacharjee, Arun ed 1996 Management
18380 Communications Grunwald, Henry Anatole 1986 Industries & Building
4116 Commutative algebra Zariski, Oscar 1958 Mathematics
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