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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Cambridge history of India Rapson, E.J. 1955 HistGeoBiography
Cambridge history of Islam Holt, P.M.. 1970 Philosophy & Religion
17964 Cambridge illustrated history of the world's science Roman 1984 S&T
5415 Cambridge natural history Harmer, S.F. 340. 1959 Zoology
4103 Cambridge natural histroy Harmer, S.F. 340. 1958 Zoology
18192 Cambridge physics in the thirties Hendry, John 1984 Generalia
2089 Cambustion processes Lewis, B 1956 Physics
17127 Canada Doucet, Cyril D. ed 1975 S&T
16328 Cancer and chemicals 1977 Medical Sci
12042 Canon of solar Eelepses Meens, Jear. 1966 Astronomy
13258 Capacity functions Sario, L 1969 Mathematics
5232 Carbohydrate chemistry of substances of biological in tersest: Proceedings Wolfram, M.L.. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
9769 Carbohydrates of living tissues Stacey, M 1962 Biosci & Paleontology
12830 Carbon and Graphite handbook Mantell, Charles L. 1968 Chem Tech
17418 Carbon monoxide 1977 Medical Sci
15961 Carbonate farcies in geodic history Wilson, James L. 1975 Earth
18713 Carbonate rocks depositional models : Microfiches approach Carrozzi, Albert V 1989 Earth
12048 Carbonate rocks: Physical and Chemical aspects Chiligar, George V. 1967 Earth
14489 Carbonatites Tuttle, O.F. 1966 Earth
9534 Carcinogenic and Chronic toxic hazards of aromatic amines Scott, T.S 1962 Chem Tech
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