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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
5427 Concise dictionary of science: physics- mathematicspnucleonics-astronomy-chemistry Gaynor, Frank 1959 S&T
5866 Concise dictionary of science: physics-mathematics- nucleonics-astronomy-chemistry Gaynor, Frank 1959 S&T
1805 Concise dictionary of scientific biography Maurer, James F. ed 1981 HistGeoBiography
7480 Concise encyclopaedia at Archeology cottrell, Leonard. 1960 Biosci & Paleontology
19922 Concise encyclopedia of India Trivedi, P.R. 1998 Generalia
18131 Concise encyclopedia of solid state physics Lerner, Rita G 1983 Physics
4983 Concise encyclopedia of world timbers Titmuss, F.H 1948 Industries & Building
Concise history of Mathematics Struik, Dirk J 1959 Mathematics
Concise history of the Indian econamy : 1750-1950 Bhattacharya, Dhires 1979 Social Science
8337 Concrete engineering handbook LaLonde, William S. 1961 Chem Tech
11705 Condensation polymers : Interfacial and Solution methods Morgan, Paul W 1965 Industries & Building
14898 Condensed computer encyclopedia Jordain, Philip B 1969 Industries & Building
C1003 Condition of stability and growth in arid agriculture Jodha, N.S. 1967 Agriculture
5860 Conduetion of Heat in solids Carslaw, H.S 1959 Physics
5424 Conference on Extremely High Tempiraturres Fischer, Heinz 1958 Physics
16300 Conference proceedings Veziroglu, T. Nejat 1976 Engineering
15868 Conference proceedings on physics and the energy problem Fiske, M.D 1974 Physics
C2228 Conflicts and coexistence India Nanda, J.N. 1991 Social Science
12347 Conformation of biopolymers: Proceedings Ramachandran, G.N. ed. 1967 Biosci & Paleontology
19010 Confronting climate change: risks implications and responses Mintzer, Irving M. 1992 Earth
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