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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Conftict between atomic and Conservation theory 1644 to 1860 Scott, Wilson L 1970 Physics
13583 Conjugates of steroid hormones Hadd, Harry E. 1969 Biosci & Paleontology
7229 Connective tissue thrombosis and atherosclerosis : Proceedings 1959 Medical Sci
18930 Conscious mind in the physical world Squires, Euan 1990 Physics
16214 Consciousness and self-regulation: advances in research Schwartz, Gary E. ed 1971 Philosophy & Religion
17263 Consciousness and self-regulation: advances in research and theory Schwartz, Gary E. ed 1978 Philosophy & Religion
16254 Consciousness and the brain : a scientific and philosophical inquriy 1976 Medical Sci
17244 Consciousness and the physical world : proceedings Josephson, B.D. 1980 Philosophy & Religion
18872 Conscous uhevese : Part and whole in modern physical theory Kafatos, Menas 1990 Physics
19505 Conservation : replacing quantity with quality as a goal for global management Jordan, Carl F 1995 S&T
17164 Conservation and agriculture Davidson, Joan. 1977 Social Science
17205 Conservation and evolution Frankel, O.H Social Science
15614 Conservation in practise Warren, A. Social Science
C2456 Conserving biodiversity for sustainable development Ramakrishnan, P.S. ed. 1996 Biosci & Paleontology
C2722 Conserving the sacred for biodiversity management Ramakrishnan, P.S. ed 1998 S&T
5270 Constitutional diagrams of uranium and thorium alloys Rough, Frank A 1958 Chem Tech
20131 Constructivism in science education: a philosophical examination Matthews, Michael R. ed 1998 S&T
5458 Constructivity in mathematics : Proceedings Heyting, A. 1959 Mathematics
20818 Contemplative science : where Buddhism and neuroscience converge B. Alan Wallace 2007 Philosophy & Religion
Contemporary Indian philosophy Radhakrishan, S. 1958 Philosophy & Religion
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