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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
7760 Controlled thermonuclear reactions Glasstone, Samuel 1960 Physics
7645 Controlled thermonuclear reactions : An Introduction to theory and experiment Glasstone, Samuel 1960 Physics
9648 Convective mass transfer: introduction Spalding,D.B 1963 Chem Tech
1448 Conversation with the earth Cloos, Hans 1954 Earth
18108 Conversion of tropical moist forests Myers, Norman. 1980 Agriculture
9877 Convex figures and Polyhedra Lgusternik, L.A 1963 Mathematics
5271 Convex surfaces Busemann, Herbert 1958 Mathematics
513 Cooperation and Competition among primitive peoples Mead, Margaret. 1937 Biosci & Paleontology
18331 Cooperation in science and technology: an evaluation of the U.S.-Soviet agreement Ailes, Catherine P 1986 S&T
6944 Coordinate geometry Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler 1939 Mathematics
15992 Copernicus : On the Revolutions of the Heavenly spheres Duncan, A.M. 1976 Astronomy
19812 Coping with technological change Kher, Manik 1997 Management
Copper bronze age in India!integrated archeologicalstudy of the coper brone age in India in the light ofChronological Agrawal, D.P. Biosci & Paleontology
Copper in ancient India Neogi, Panchann 1979 Chem Tech
C185 Copper in mysore state Radhakrishna, B.P. 1967 Earth
12455 Coral gables Conferences on Symmdry principles at high energy Perliutter, Arnold ed 1967 Physics
6728 Cordinal and ordinal numbers Sierpinski, Waclaw 1958 Mathematics
C1441 Corpus Almanac & Canadian Source Book 1983 Clarke, C.E.(Ted) ed 1983 Generalia
C1596 Corpus Almanac & Canadian Source Book 1984 Clarke, C.E.(Ted) ed 1984 Generalia
C1809 Corpus Almanac & Canadian Source Book 1986 Hryciuk, Marilyn ed 1986 Generalia
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