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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Cosmography and geography in early Indian literature Sircar, D.C 1967 HistGeoBiography
18979 Cosmos and theos: Ethical and theological implications of the anthropic cosmological principle Harris, Errol E 1992 S&T
13961 Cospar moon and planets II Dollfus, A. 1968 Astronomy
16147 Cost of electricity : Cheap power vs a clean environment Thompson, Russell G 1977 Engineering
Costume and society in India Bose, Nirmal Kumar 1967 HistGeoBiography
Costums textiles cosmetics and coiffure in ancient and mediaeval India Moti Chandra Social Science
Cotton Weavers of Bengal Mitra, Debendra Bijoy 1978 Industries & Building
10966 Countereyamfles in analysis Gelbaum, Bernar R 1964 Mathematics
13256 Courant in gottingen Reid, Constance 1976 HistGeoBiography
10650 Course in mathematical analysis Haaser, Norman B 1959 Mathematics
10624 Course of higher mathematics Smirnov, V.I. 1964 Mathematics
9917 Course of mathematical analysis Bermant, A.F. Brown D.E. 730 1963 Mathematics
13508 CP-Puzle : Strange clecays of the neutral Kaon Kabir, P.K 1968 Physics
18535 Cradle of civilization Kramer, Samuel Naoh 1987 Generalia
Crafts and craftsmen in traditional India Pal, M.K. 1978 Arts & Literature
19932 Crafts and technology in ancient India: From the earliest times to the Gupta period Ray, Ardhendusekhar 1998 HistGeoBiography
20176 Creating killer websites: the art of third-generation site design Siegel, David 1997 Industries & Building
18597 Creation : Story of the origin and Evolution of the Universe Parker, Barry. 1988 Astronomy
17659 Creation of quantum mechanics and the bohr- Paul dialogue Hendry, John 1984 Physics
19407 Creations of fire : chemistry's lively history from alchemy to the atomic age Cobb, Cathy. 1995 Chemistry
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