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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C838 Dictionary of zoology Leftuich, A.W 1973 Zoology
C967 Die Kaiser-Wilhelmgesellschaft 1911-1914 Wendel, Giinter 1975 Generalia
11071 Die Kulturpflanze Danert, S. 1964 Botany
7097 Die Physiologists Uhr Bunning, Erwin 1958 Botany
C2242 Die Vedischen Zitate im Vyakarana Mahabhasya Rau, Wilhelm. 1985 Arts & Literature
540 Die Welf der Sterne Brunner, William. 1947 Astronomy
Dielectric behavior and structure Smyth, Charles Phelps 1955 Physics
12442 Difference methods for initial-value problems Richtmyer, Robert D 1957 Mathematics
11506 Differenhol and combinatorial topology : Symbosium in honor of Marston Morse Cairns, Stewart S. ED 1965 Mathematics
13286 Differentiable manifolds Hu, S.T 1969 Mathematics
15935 Differential and integral inqualities : Theory and applications Lakshmikantham, V 1969 Mathematics
10018 Differential forms with applications to the physical sciences Flanders, Harley 1963 Mathematics
10238 Differential geometry Guggenheimer, Heinrich W 1963 Mathematics
C2064 Differential geometry and its applications : Proceedings Bokan, Noda 1989 Mathematics
10954 Differential geometry and symmetric spaces Helgason, Sigurdur 1962 Mathematics
12498 Differential line geometry Hlavaty, Vaclav. 1953 Mathematics
13678 Differential operators of mathematical physics : Introduction Hellwig, Gunter 1964 Mathematics
251 Differential systems Thomas, Joseph Miller. 1937 Mathematics
12826 Differential topology : First steps Wallace, Andrew H 1968 Mathematics
12476 Diffraction of light by ultrasound Berry, Michael V 1906 Physics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
