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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
15901 Diffraction physics Cowley, Joh M 1975 Physics
8389 Diffusion and heat flow in liquids Tyrrell, H.J.V 1961 Physics
9622 Diffusion in solids Shewmon, Paul G 1963 Physics
10920 Digital communication with space applications Golomb, Solomon W. ED 1964 Engineering
11742 Digital computer programs for physical chemistry De Main, Paul A.D 1965 Industries & Building
C1693 Digital computers memory technology Majumder, D. Dutta 1980 Industries & Building
19414 Digital data communications Quinn, Jack 1995 Industries & Building
C1008 Digital information and the privacy problem Niblett, G.B.F 1960 Industries & Building
19519 Digital multimedia cross-industry guide Dodds, Phillip V.W. ed 1995 Management
9340 Digital processes for sampled data systems Monroe, Alfred J 1962 Industries & Building
9933 Digital processing : System orientation Schultz, Louise 1963 Industries & Building
13918 Dimension theory Nagami, Keio 1970 Mathematics
1042 Dimensional analysis and theory of models Langhaar, Henry L 1951 Physics
18268 Dimensions of Darwinism: Themes and Counter themes in twentieth-Century evolutionary theory Grene,Marjorie. 1983 Biosci & Paleontology
15363 Dimensions of the environmental crisis Day, John A. 1971 Biosci & Paleontology
15506 Dimensions of the future : alternatives for tomorrow Norman, Maxwell H 1974 Mathematics
16631 Diocles on burning mirrors Toomer, G.J. ed. 1976 Mathematics
9292 Diophantime geometry Lang, Serge 1962 Mathematics
13262 Diophantine equations Mordell, L.J 1969 Mathematics
782 Diptera Brunetti, E 1923 Zoology
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
