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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Directory of periodicals published in India: A classified Guide 1986-87 Kaur, Susheel 1988 Generalia
C402 Directory of scientific instruments & components Manufactured in India 1969 Industries & Building
C719 Directory of scientific research in Indian Universities 1974: 1974 Social Science
18842 Directory of scientific research institutions in India 1989 Elhence, D. comp Generalia
11435 Directory of selected scientific institutions in the USSR 1963 Generalia
C804 Directory of technical and further education Edmonds, Paul J. ed 1977 Social Science
19189 Directory of universities & colleges of India Bhatia, Manish K. com Social Science
20251 Directory of universities and colleges of India Bhatia, Manish 2000 Social Science
20082 Directory of universities and colleges of India : with introduction on universities of SAARC countries Bhatia, Manish com 1999 Social Science
C1400 Directory of university professors and Researchers in Japan 1982 :Engineering 1982 Engineering
15223 Disaster in Bangladesh 1973 Medical Sci
C2058 Disasters prevention and coping : Proceedings Myers, Social Science
11501 Disciplines and techniques of systems control Peschon, John ed 1965 Industries & Building
17395 Discovering Relativety Lilley, Sam 1981 Physics
Discovering the nature of matter Brown, Stanley B ed S&T
19857 Discovery & inventions Endacott, Geoff 1991 S&T
8375 Discovery : Development in science Appleton, Edward 1961 S&T
17208 Discovery of Neptune Grosser, Morton. 1962 Astronomy
C932 Discovery of the conservation of energy Klkana, Yehuda 1974 Physics
3142 Discovery of the Universe : An outline of the history of astronomy form the origins to 1956 Vaucouleurs, Gerard De. Astronomy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
