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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
18433 Data networks Bertsekas, Dimitri 1987 Engineering
12772 Data processing concepts Colbert, Douglas 1968 Industries & Building
19950 Database publishing on the web and internet Lang, Curt Chow Jeff 1996 Industries & Building
Date of the MahaBharta war and the Kali Yugadhi Raghvan, K. Srinivasa HistGeoBiography
Dating the past : Introduction to geochronology Zeuner, Frederick E 1958 Earth
20077 David Linthicum's guide to client/server and intranet development Linthicum, David S 1997 Industries & Building
19021 Dawn and devolution of the Indus civilization Rao, S.R 1991 HistGeoBiography
10970 Dawn of astronomy study of the temple worship and mythology of the ancient Egyptians Lockyer, J. Norman. 1964 Astronomy
Dawn of European Civilization Childe, V. Gordan 1961 Generalia
5209 De magnete Gilbert, William 1893 Physics
16798 Death and decision 1978 Medical Sci
C487 Decade(1963-72) of science in India : Progress of Botany Sharma, Arun Kumar 1972 S&T
7994 Decay schemes of Radioactive Nuclei Dzhelepov, B.S 1967 Physics
C2816 Deccan heritage Gupta, Harish K. ed 2000 S&T
1160 Decimal Classification Dewey, Melvil 1951 Generalia
19319 Deciphering the Indus script Parpola, Asko. 1994 Arts & Literature
Decipherment of the inscriptions of the seals of harappa and mohenjodaro Hajra, Sankar 1974 Generalia
12463 Decision mathematics Grawoig, Dennis E 1967 Mathematics
C936 Decline and fall of Science Green, Celia 1976 S&T
19003 Decorative art of India Strong, Susan. 1990 Arts & Literature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
