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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
20201 Electronic Communication Convergence Hukill, Mark 2000 Engineering
12080 Electronic conduction in soilds Smith, Arthur C 1967 Physics
10873 Electronic magnetic resonance and solid dielectric#Proceedings Scrvant, R. ed 1964 Physics
17631 Electronic processes in non-crystalline materials Mott, N.F 1979 Physics
17936 Electronic Properties of Doped Semiconductors Shklovskii, B.I 1984 Physics
512 Electronic time measurements Chance, Britton 1949 Engineering
10884 Electronic universal vade-mecum Mikolajczyk, Piotr 1964 Engineering
18271 Electronics and energy 1985 Engineering
9146 Electronics of laboratory and proceeds instruments Griffiths, V.S 1962 Industries & Building
11691 Electronics of solids Beam, Walter R 1965 Physics
3924 Electrons and holes in semiconductors : With applications to transistor electronic Shockley, William 1950 Physics
12879 Eleetron paramag resonance ; Techniqis and Applications 1968 Physics
9778 Elemantary particiles and cosmicrays Ramakrishnan, Alladi 1962 Physics
6151 Elementary biochemistry Mertz, Edwin T. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
9882 Elementary differential topology : Lectures given at Mass achusetts Institute of Technology Munkres, James R 1963 Mathematics
9831 Elementary excitations in solids Pines, David 1963 Physics
12469 Elementary history of metals Donavan, B 1967 Chemistry
4532 Elementary mathematics : From an advanced standpoint geometry Klien, Felix 1939 Mathematics
1142 Elementary matrices : Andsome applications to dynamics and differential equations Frazer, R.A 1950 Mathematics
148 Elementary nuclear theory Bethe, H.A 1947 Physics
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