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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
14444 Encyclopedic dictionary and directory of education Biswas, A 1971 Social Science
6562 Encyclopedic dictionary of electronics and nuclear engineering Sarbacher, Robbert I 1959 Engineering
19472 Encyclopedic dictionary of information technology Narang, M.L 1995 Management
16791 Encyclopedic dictionary of mathematics Iyanaga, Shokichi 1954 Mathematics
19309 Encyclopedic of Indian Scientist Chattopadhoyay, 1 Anjasna 1995 S&T
C1077 Endodontoid land snails from pacific islands : Mollusca : Pulmonata : Sigmurethra Solem, Alan. 1976 Zoology
C1442 Endodotoid land snails from pacific Islands : Mollusca %Pullnonate : Sigmurethra Solem, Alan 1982 Zoology
Endomyocardial bibrosis 1993 Medical Sci
12803 Energetic and mechanisms in radiation biology: Proceedings Phillips, Glyn O.. 1968 Biosci & Paleontology
18016 Energy Penner, S.S 1984 Engineering
16150 Energy : Alternative resources Sadhu, Ashok K 9778 Engineering
15311 Energy : from nature to man Reynolds, William C 1974 Engineering
17592 Energy : Global outlook Taher, Abdulhady Hassan 1982 Engineering
17179 Energy : Hydrocarbon fuels and chemical resources Rider, Don K 1981 Engineering
17344 Energy : the next twenty years Arrow, Kenneth J. 1979 Engineering
15670 Energy : use conservation and supply Abelson, Philip H 1974 Engineering
16796 Energy analysis : New public policy tool Gilliland, Martha W. 1978 Engineering
C910 Energy and food production Leach, Gerald 1976 Engineering
C1657 Energy and its development : With special reference to pakistan Karimullah 1982 Engineering
19304 Energy and society Kumari, Vinod Social Science
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