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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
16845 Evolution of Physics : Growth of ideas from early concepts to relativity and quanta Einstein, Albert 1971 Physics
17198 Evolution of protein molecules : Proceedings Matsubara, Hiroshi 1978 Chemistry
1040 Evolution of scientific thought : From newton to einstein D'Abro, A 1927 Physics
9641 Evolution of stars and Galax Baade, Walter. 1963 Astronomy
14491 Evolution of the earth Dott, Robert H 1971 Earth
4550 Evolution of the igneous rocks Bowen, N.L 1956 Earth
17829 Evolution of the law of the Sea : Study of resources and strategy with special regard to the polar areas Theutenburg, Johnson Social Science
9969 Evolution of the metazoa Hadzi, Jovan 1963 Zoology
17916 Evolution of the Universe NOVIKOV, I.D. 1983 Astronomy
2603 Evolution of the vertebrates: History of the backboned animals through time Colbert, Edwin H. 1955 Biosci & Paleontology
17546 Evolution or extinction the choice before Us : a systems approach to the study of the future Curtis, Social Science
18650 Evolution without selection: from and function by auto evolution Lima-de-Faria, A. 1988 Biosci & Paleontology
18518 Evolution: Essays in honor of John Maynard Smith Greenwood, P.J.. 1985 Biosci & Paleontology
188 Evolution: Modern synthesis Huxley, Julian. 1948 Biosci & Paleontology
9867 Evolutionary biochemistry: Proceedings Oparin, A.I.. 1963 Biosci & Paleontology
12386 Evolutionary biology Dobzhansky, Theodosius. 1967 Biosci & Paleontology
16471 Evolutionary ecology Stonehouse, Bernard 340. 1977 Zoology
16773 Evolutionary pale ecology of the marine biosphere Valentine, James W. 1973 Biosci & Paleontology
15546 Evolutionary studies in world crops Hutchinson, Joseph 1974 Agriculture
18950 Evolutionary trends in the physical sciences: Proceedings Suzuki, M. ed 1991 Physics
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