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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17241 Evolving biosphere Forey, P.L.. 1981 Biosci & Paleontology
11469 Evolving genes and proteins: Symposium Bryson, Vernon ed. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
19599 Evolving the mind : on the nature of matter and the origin of consciousness Cairns-Smith, A.G. 1996 Philosophy & Religion
15464 Exact philosophy : Problems tools and goals Bunge, Mario 1973 Mathematics
C1603 Exact sciences from Jaina sources Jain, L.C 1982 Mathematics
3265 Excellence in an overlapping culture Doraiswamy, L.K 2011 Chem Tech
17937 Excellence in diversity : Towards a new strategy for higher education Social Science
C1130 Exhanstive Treastise on shadows Al Biruni, Ahmad 1976 Physics
C1133 Exhanstive treatise on shadows AL-Biruni, Ahmad 1976 Physics
18952 Existence and explanation: Essays presented in honour of Karel Lambert Spohn, Wolfgang ed 1991 S&T
14833 Exobiology Ponnamperuma, Cyril. 1972 Biosci & Paleontology
C1029 Expanding earth Carey, S. Warren 1976 Earth
Expansion of Indo-Aryan Culture : During Pallava rule Chhabra, B.Ch 1965 Generalia
1227 Expansion of the Universe Couderc, Paul. 1952 Astronomy
Experiment and theory in Physics Born, Max 1956 Physics
11409 Experimental biology: Measurement and analysis Kay, R.H. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
3196 Experimental design and its statiscal basis Finney, D.J. 1955 Biosci & Paleontology
16334 Experimental embryogenesis in vascular plants Raghavan, V 1976 Botany
1439 Experimental Nuclear physics Seger, E 1953 Physics
C1702 Experimental stress analysis Srinath, L.S 1984 Engineering
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