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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
5145 Fourier integral and certain of its applications Wiener, Norbert 1933 Mathematics
9221 Fourier integral and its applications Papoulis, Athanasios 1962 Mathematics
3206 Fourier transforms Bochner, S 1949 Mathematics
10790 Fourteenth International horticultural congress 1955 : Proceedings Nieuwstraten, J.P.. 1955 Agriculture
10789 Fourteenth International horticultural Congress: Proceedings Nieuwstraten, J.P.. 1955 Agriculture
8339 Fourth demention simply explained Manniag, Henry P 1960 Mathematics
14165 Fourth five year plan 1969-74 Social Science
18779 Fragile environment: Darwin college lectures Friday, Laurie. 1989 Biosci & Paleontology
17105 France Allen, Judith ed 1975 S&T
6991 Francis Bacon : First statesman of science Crowther, J.G 1960 HistGeoBiography
C903 Frederic joliot-Curie: a biography Goldsmith, Maurice 1976 HistGeoBiography
53 Freezing of supercooled water Ernest Dorsey, N 1948 Physics
6987 Freezing preservation of foods Toessler, Donald K. 1957 Chem Tech
5655 Fresh water biology Edmondson, W.T.. 1918 Biosci & Paleontology
10361 Freshwater ecology Macan, T.T. 1963 Biosci & Paleontology
Freshwater fishes of the world Sterba, Gunther. 1959 Zoology
945 Friction and lubrication of solids Bowden, F.P 1950 Physics
18767 From a life of physics Bethe, H.A 1989 Physics
From Akbar to Aurangzeb : Study in Indian economic history Moreland, W.H 1972 HistGeoBiography
5466 From ape to angel ; Informal histary of social anthropology Hays, H.R 1958 Social Science
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
