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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C2230 Frontiers in reproductive physiology 1992 Medical Sci
19099 Frontiers of astronomy in 1990's Qibin, Li. 1993 Astronomy
16930 Frontiers of folklore Bascom, William R.. 1977 Social Science
19298 Frontiers of Science and Technology Garg, Rajeev 1992 S&T
C1040 Frontiers of theoretical Physics Auluck, F.C 1978 Physics
15395 Frozen world Willis, Thayer 1971 HistGeoBiography
C1821 Fruits and vegetables in ancient India Sharma, P.V. 1979 Agriculture
17320 Fudamental Problems in the theory of stellar Evolutlion Sugimoto, Dailchiro. 1981 Astronomy
16038 Fuel and environment: Proceedings 1973 Chem Tech
13646 Fuel cells : their electrochemistry Bockris, J.O.M 1969 Engineering
13589 Fuel cells and fuel batteries : Guide to their research and development Liebhafsky, H.A 1968 Engineering
17566 Fuel wood and rural energy production and supply in the humid tropics : Report for the United Nations University with Spe Moss, R.P Engineering
16329 Fuels from waste Anderson, Larry L. 1977 Chem Tech
8333 Full-Scale fatigue testing of aircrft structures : Proceedings Plantema, E.J. 1961 Engineering
11444 Function of Nueclic acids in the differentiation of Heoplastic Processes Erenpreis, Ya.G. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
C1249 Functional analysis Limaye, Balmohan Vishnu 1981 Mathematics
11994 Functional analysis and numerical mathematics Collatz, Lother 1966 Mathematics
6537 Functional analysis and semi-groups Hille, Einar 1957 Mathematics
15361 Functional analysis of information processing : Structured approach for simplifying systems design Booth, Grayce M 1973 Industries & Building
C2760 Functional analysis: spectral theory Sunder, V.S 1997 Mathematics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
