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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
18141 Fundamental studies and the future of science Wickramasinghe, Chandra ed 1984 S&T
618 Fundamental theory Eddington, A.S 1949 Physics
10441 Fundamental topics in relativistic fluid mechanics and magenetohydro dynmamics : Proceedings Wasserman, Robert 1963 Physics
13723 Fundamentals constants and quantum electrodynamics Taylor, B.N 1969 Physics
11832 Fundamentals of abstract analysis Gleason, Andrew M 1966 Mathematics
15219 Fundamentals of air pollution 1973 Medical Sci
5494 Fundamentals of ecology Odum, Eugene P. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
13549 Fundamentals of electronics Owen, George E 1966 Engineering
17730 Fundamentals of energy storage Jenesen, Johannes 1984 Engineering
12528 Fundamentals of forest biogeocoenology Sukachev. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
5142 Fundamentals of hydro-and aeromechanics Tietjens, O.G 1934 Physics
Fundamentals of mathematics Brown, Stanley B ed S&T
C1484 Fundamentals of nuclear science : with applications in agriculture and biology Tiwari, P.N 1974 Engineering
16447 Fundamentals of nutrition Lloyd, L.E 1978 Zoology
12648 Fundamentals of operations research Ackoff, Rusell L 1968 Management
12813 Fundamentals of paleontology Gromova, V.I.. 1968 Biosci & Paleontology
C2163 Fundamentals of photochemistry Rohatgi- Mukherjee, K.K 1978 Chemistry
13828 Fundamentals of rock mechanics Jaeger, J.C 1969 Earth
8498 Fundamentals of scientific mathematics Owen, George E 1961 Mathematics
15408 Fundamentals of water desalination How, Everett D 1974 Engineering
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
