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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
18819 Fascinating word of mathematical sciences Kapur, J.N 1989 Mathematics
9052 Fascinating world of astronomy Richardson, Robert S. 1960 Astronomy
18891 Fascinating world of mathematical sciences Kapur, J.N 1991 Mathematics
19522 Fast simulation of Computer Architectures Conte, Thomas M. ed 1995 Industries & Building
13599 Fat soluble vitamins Morton, R.A.. 1970 Biosci & Paleontology
16058 Fate of pollutants in the air and water environmentals 1977 Medical Sci
C252 Fathullah shirazi : Sixteenth century Indian scientist Alvi, M.A 1968 S&T
C251 Fathullah Shirazi:a sixteenth century Indian scientist Alvi, M.A 1968 S&T
C1572 Fatigue and fracture research in India : Proceedings 1984 Engineering
8944 Fats and oils : Outline of their chemistry and technology Kirschenbauer, H.G 1960 Chem Tech
6175 Feast and Famine : Wonderful world of food Orr, Lord Social Science
Feeders of Indian Culture Upadhyaya, Bhawat Saran 1973 HistGeoBiography
11101 Feeding Indias growing millions Sukhatme, Pandurang Social Science
13322 Feldspars Barth, Tom.F.W 1969 Earth
C1497 Fellows of the Indian National Science Academy 1935- 1984 S&T
9713 Ferns (Filicales):Treated Comparatively with a view to their natural classification Bower, F.O 1963 Botany
1643 Feromagnetic Domains Stewart, K.H 1954 Physics
10862 Ferromagnetic relaxation theory Sparks, Marshall 1964 Physics
11789 Ferromagnetic rsonance Vohsovskii, bS.V. ED 1966 Physics
11796 Ferromagnetism and ferromagnetic domains Craik, D.J 1996 Physics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
