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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
19766 Fifty years of India's independence Subramanian, S ed 1997 S&T
18631 Fifty years of Neutron Diffraction : The advent of neutron scattering Bacon, G.E 1986 Physics
13823 Fifty years of petroleum technology Sell, George 220 1968 Chem Tech
C1557 Fifty years of Radio Science in India Mitra, A.P. 1984 Astronomy
C387 Fifty years of Sonet oriental studies : Briefxviews 1968 HistGeoBiography
3719 Finding fossil man Place, Robin. 1957 Biosci & Paleontology
Fine arts in ancient India Ganguly, Anil Baran. 1979 Arts & Literature
11441 Finger prints Galton, Francis. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
11575 Finite graphs and networks : Introduction with application Busacker, Robert G 1964 Mathematics
15733 Fire and ecosystem Koziowski, T.T.. 1974 Biosci & Paleontology
C1251 Firewood crops : Shrub and tree species for energy production 1980 Engineering
15394 First explorers Barker, Felix 1971 HistGeoBiography
9653 First international symposium on rocket and satellite meteorology : Proceedings Wexler, H. 1963 Earth
8217 First men to the moon Von Braum, Wernher 1958 Engineering
First merchant ventures : The ancient Levant in history and commerce Culican, William 1966 HistGeoBiography
17412 First national seminar on quaternary environments: Papers Merh, S.S. 1982 Earth
C1427 First twenty-Five Years 1980 S&T
15626 Fish and Fisheries of India Jhingran, V.G. 1975 Agriculture
11106 Fish catching methods of the world Brandt, Andres Von. 1964 Agriculture
9450 Fish Culture Hickling, C.F. 1962 Agriculture
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