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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17455 Green planet: the story of plant life on earth Moore, David M. ed Botany
13660 Green's functions : Introductory theory with applications Roach, G.F 1970 Mathematics
17983 Green's functions in quantum physics Economou, E.N 1979 Physics
531 Ground water Tolman, C.F 1937 Earth
8960 Groundnut Seshadri, C.R. 1962 Agriculture
9524 Group theory : Application to quantam mechanics Meijer, Paul H.E 1962 Physics
12622 Group theory and it's physical applications Falicov, L.M 1966 Mathematics
7052 Group theory in quantum mechnanics Heine, Volkev 1960 Physics
10272 Group theory quantum mechanics Tinkham, Michael 1964 Physics
14077 Groupes algebriques Demazure, Michel 1970 Mathematics
60 Growht of physical science Jeans, James 1947 Physics
19038 Growing diversity: genetic resources and local food security Cooper, David 1992 Chem Tech
18959 Growing up with science in India Thosar, B.V HistGeoBiography
19975 Growing up with science:developing early understanding of science Harnquist, Kjell ed Social Science
8546 Growth and form Bonner, John Tyler. 1961 Biosci & Paleontology
Growth and instability in Indian agriculture Sen, S.R. 1971 Agriculture
10564 Growth including reproduction and morphological development Altman, Philip L.. 1962 Biosci & Paleontology
681 Growth of english society : short economic history Lipson, E 1949 Social Science
Grund lagen Der Astrophysics Teil, Erster. Astronomy
5330 Grundlagen and Arbeits methoden der kernphysik Hertz, Gustav 1957 Physics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
