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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
4836 Grundlagender quantenmechanick Blochinzew, D.I 1957 Physics
17245 Gryogenics handbook Law, Beverly 1981 Engineering
5982 Grystal growth 1959 Physics
16195 Grzimek's encyclopedia of ethwgy Grzimek, H.C.Bernard ed 1977 Zoology
16018 Grzimek's encyclopedia of evolution Grzimek, Bernhard ed. 1976 Biosci & Paleontology
19103 Guardians of science: fairness and reliability of peer review Daniel, H.D 1993 S&T
C1371 Guayule : Alternative source of natural rubber 1977 Industries & Building
6005 Guide book to biochemistry Harrison, Kenneth. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
Guide lines for care and use of animals in scientific Research 2000 Agriculture
C1263 Guide to chemical education in the U.S. for foreign students 1981 Chemistry
9449 Guide to dissection Rowett, H.G.Q. 1962 Biosci & Paleontology
12196 Guide to freshwater invertebrate animals Macan, T.T. 1960 Zoology
11442 Guide to gas chromatography literature Signeur, Austin V 1964 Chemistry
Guide to geographical bibliographies and reference works in Russian or on Soviet Union Harris, Chauncy D 1975 HistGeoBiography
C536 Guide to geographical bibliographies and refrence works in Russian or on the Soviet Union Harris, Chauncy D 1975 Generalia
18909 Guide to introductory physics teaching Arons, Arnold B 1990 Physics
20080 Guide to natural healing 1997 Medical Sci
18043 Guide to new natural gas utilization technologies Hay, Nelson E. 1985 Chem Tech
C1796 Guide to reference books for Islamic Studies Geddes, C.L 1985 Philosophy & Religion
C875 Guide to reference material Walford, A.J. 1975 Generalia
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
