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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
6724 Gas calorimetry : Determination of the Calorific value of gaseous fuels Jones, M.W 1960 Chem Tech
15648 Gas cleaning for air quality control : Industrial and environ mental health and safety requirements Marchello, Joseph M 1975 Engineering
1933 Gas Dynamics of Cosmic clouds : A Symposium: North Holland 1955 Astronomy
11452 Gas phase oxidation of hydrocarbons Shtern, V.Ya 1964 Engineering
2236 Gaseons Nebulae Aller, L.H. 1956 Astronomy
13720 Gaseous composition of the atmosphere and its analysis Mirtor, B.A 1964 Earth
19126 Gatt Accord: India's Strategic Response Ramachandriah, V ed 1994 Social Science
17181 Gauss:a biography study Buhler, W.K 1981 HistGeoBiography
Gaya sastra Rao, G. Nagaraja. 1958 Agriculture
Gaya sastram Palakapya Muni. 1958 Agriculture
Gazetteer of Bengal and North East India Allen, B.C 1979 HistGeoBiography
Gazetteer of Bombay city and Island Kunte, B. G. ed 1977 HistGeoBiography
Gazetteer of Bombay city and Island: facsimile reproduction Kunte, B. G. ed 1978 HistGeoBiography
18334 Gazetteer of Chanda district in central provinces Begbie, L. F 1986 HistGeoBiography
18363 Gazetteer of coory: natural features of the country and the social and political condition of its inhabitants Richter, Reb B. comp HistGeoBiography
C2135 Gazetteer of India : Indian union 1965 HistGeoBiography
11666 Gazetteer of India: India Union Government of India 1987 HistGeoBiography
18275 Gazetteer of province of Oudh 1985 HistGeoBiography
18303 Gazetteer of Sikhim Resley, H. H. ed 1985 HistGeoBiography
18276 Gazetteer of the province of Oudh 1985 HistGeoBiography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
