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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
6383 Geochemical methods of prospecting and exploration for petroleum and natural gas Kartsev, A.A 1959 Earth
1442 Geochemistry Goldschmidt, V.M 1954 Earth
11775 Geochemistry of beryllium and genetic types of beryllium and genetic types of beryllium deposits Beus, A.A 1966 Earth
12511 Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits Barnes, Herbert LLoyd 1967 Earth
10817 Geochemistry of oil and oil deposits Gulyaeva, L.A. 1962 Earth
5760 Geochemistry of rare and dispersed chemical elements in soils Vinogradov, A.P 1959 Earth
11244 Geochemistry of sediments: Brief Survey Degens, Egon T 1965 Earth
C1161 Geodesic math and how to use it Kenner, Hugh 1976 Engineering
C1319 Geodynamics of Pakistan Farach, Abul 1979 Earth
Geographical dictionary of ancient and medieval India Dey, Nundo Lal 1971 HistGeoBiography
Geographical factors in Areibian life and history Inayatullah, Shaikh 1942 HistGeoBiography
110544 Geography of mankind Broek, Jan O.M 1978 HistGeoBiography
Geography of Rgvedic India Bhaugava, Monohanllal 1964 HistGeoBiography
10750 Geography of the flowering plants Good, Ronald. 1964 Botany
Geography of the Puranas Ali, S.M 1966 HistGeoBiography
17486 Geography Yesterday and tomorrow Brown, E.H. 1980 HistGeoBiography
9105 Geological aspects of the origin of life on earth Rutten, M.G 1962 Earth
11889 Geological data processing : Using Fortran IV Smith, F.G 1966 Industries & Building
13069 Geological evolution of Australia and New Zealand Brown, D.A 1968 Earth
17616 Geological evolution of the earth during the Precambrian Salop, Lazarus J 1983 Earth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
