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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
3386 Handbook of solvent Mellan, Ibert 1957 Chem Tech
17705 Handbook of the contemporary developments in world ecology Kormondy, Edward J. ed. 1981 Biosci & Paleontology
9574 Handbook of thermophysical properties of solid materials Goldsmith, Alexander 1961 Physics
2708 Handbook of tropical aquarium fishes 1955 Agriculture
20495 Handbook of universties : Social Science
10869 Handbook of vacuum physics Beck, A.H. 1964 Physics
16577 Handbook of water resources and pollution control Gehm, Harry W. 1976 Engineering
11236 Handbook of X-ray analysis of polycrystalline materials Mirkin, Lev Iosifovich 1964 Chemistry
C1382 Handbook on Insect collection Preservation and study Gosh, A.K 1982 Zoology
2625 Handbook to the ferns of British India:Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula Beddome, Colonel R.H . Botany
C792 Handbooks of mathematical formulas Bartsch, Hans- Jochen Mathematics
14090 Handbooks of radioactive nuclides Wang, Yen ed 1969 Physics
1841 Handbooks of solvents Scheflan, Leopold 1953 Chem Tech
5036 Handbuch der astrophysok Eberhard, G. ed. 1933 Astronomy
2575 Handbuch der Laplace transformation Doetsch, Gustav 1955 Mathematics
1506 Handbuch der lehre von der verteiking der primzahlen Landau, Edmund 1953 Mathematics
C1800 Handicrafts Survey monograph on Lac edited by Sukumar Sinha Sinha, Sukumar. Arts & Literature
18122 Harish-Chandra collected papers Varadarajan, V. S. ed 1981 Mathematics
C2754 Harmonic analysis Helson, Henry 1995 Mathematics
C2625 Harmonic analysis and hypergroups Ross, K.A. ed 1998 Mathematics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
