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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
11605 Intorduction to abstract mathematical systems Burton, David M 1965 Mathematics
4629 Intorduction to vector analysis Hague, B 1957 Mathematics
C1972 Intracellular pangenesis: Including a paper on fertilization and hybridization Veries, Hugo De. 1910 Biosci & Paleontology
9869 Intracellular respiration: Proceedings Slater, E.C.. 1963 Biosci & Paleontology
11620 Introdction to modern algebra McCoy, Neal H 1960 Mathematics
13292 Introducing statisticss statistics for the social scientist : volume one Yeomans, K.A Social Science
12519 Introduction of petrology Bayly, Brian 1968 Earth
13892 Introduction to a study of mechanical vibration Van Santen, G.W 1961 Physics
14334 Introduction to a sub molecular biology Szent- Gyorgyi, Albert. 1960 Biosci & Paleontology
10529 Introduction to advanced field theory 1963 Physics
9131 Introduction to advanced inorganic chemistry Durrant, Philip John 1962 Chemistry
10227 Introduction to algebraic geometry Semfle, J.G 1949 Mathematics
7468 Introduction to animal physiology Yapp, W.B 1960 Zoology
1532 Introduction to Anthropology Beals, Ralph L. 1953 Biosci & Paleontology
8466 Introduction to Applied Antsotropic Elasticity Heasmon, R.F.S 1961 Physics
642 Introduction to applied mathematics Murnaghan, Francis D 1948 Mathematics
14686 Introduction to applied quantum chemistry McGlynn, S.P 1972 Chemistry
4161 Introduction to archaeology Baker, Edward W 1952 Zoology
9229 Introduction to astrodynamics Baker, Robert M.L. 1960 Astronomy
1617 Introduction to astronomy Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia. 1954 Astronomy
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