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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
11021 Introduction to astrophysics : Stars Dutay, Jean. 1964 Astronomy
14712 Introduction to atmospheric physics Fleagle, Robert G 1963 Earth
15968 Introduction to axiomatic quantum field theory Bogolubov, N.N 1975 Physics
11596 Introduction to basic fortran programming and numerical methods Prager, William 1965 Industries & Building
5129 Introduction to bessel functions Bowman, Frank 1958 Mathematics
12679 Introduction to biological chemistry 1968 Biosci & Paleontology
14887 Introduction to biostatistics Bancroft, Huldah 1957 Biosci & Paleontology
19998 Introduction to C++ for engineers and scientists Etter, Delores M 1997 Industries & Building
11635 Introduction to calculus and analysis Courant, Richard 1965 Mathematics
13731 Introduction to celestial mechanics Kovalevsky, Jean. 1967 Astronomy
18983 Introduction to chaos and coherence Froyland, Jan 1992 Physics
11996 Introduction to coherent optics and holography Stroke, George W 1966 Physics
11394 Introduction to comparative entomology Fox, Richard M 1964 Zoology
619 Introduction to comparitive philosophy Raju, P.T. 1962 Philosophy & Religion
Introduction to computer programming and coding Walhut, Francis K 1968 Industries & Building
18330 Introduction to computer science Gear, C.W 1985 Industries & Building
19183 Introduction to cosmology Narlikar, Jayant V. 1993 Astronomy
11312 Introduction to cultural anthropology Titiev, mischa. 9630 Biosci & Paleontology
9291 Introduction to differentiable manifolds Lang, Serge 1962 Mathematics
5956 Introduction to differential geometry Willmore, T.J 1959 Mathematics
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