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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
3217 Introduction to differential geometry : With use of the tensor calculus Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler 1947 Mathematics
9898 Introduction to digital computing Arden, Bruce W 1963 Industries & Building
9156 Introduction to econometrics Klein, Lawrence R. 1962 Social Science
18429 Introduction to electric energy devices Bergseth, F.Robert 1987 Engineering
4026 Introduction to electrodnamics engineering Harrington, Roger F 1958 Physics
9894 Introduction to electromagnetic theory Owen, George E 1963 Physics
1446 Introduction to electron microscopy Hall, Cecil E. 1953 Biosci & Paleontology
8205 Introduction to electronic data processing for business Hein, Leonard W 1961 Industries & Building
8534 Introduction to elemantry particle physics Marshak, R.E 1961 Physics
9041 Introduction to elementary functions Combellack, Wilfred J 1962 Mathematics
15915 Introduction to elementary paricle theory Novozhilov, Yu.V 1957 Physics
7262 Introduction to embryology Balinsky, B.I 1960 Zoology
16467 Introduction to environmental archaeology Evans, John G. 1978 Biosci & Paleontology
16111 Introduction to environmental biophysics Campbell, Gaylon S. 1977 Biosci & Paleontology
17480 Introduction to environmental remote sensing Barrett, E.C. 1976 Biosci & Paleontology
15261 Introduction to environmental science and technology Masters, Gilbert M. 1974 Biosci & Paleontology
13757 Introduction to experimental aerobiology Dimmick, Robert L. 1969 Biosci & Paleontology
1787 Introduction to experimental physics Fretter, William B 1954 Physics
10511 Introduction to field theory and dispersion relations Hagedorn, R 1964 Mathematics
16665 Introduction to flight : Its engineering and history Anderson, John 1978 Engineering
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