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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
India in perspective : Development issues Shah, C.H 1978 Social Science
India in the Ramayana age: Study of the social and cultural conflations in ancient India as elescribed in ralmikis Ramayan Vyas, Shanti kumar Narooram HistGeoBiography
India in the seventeenth century Guha, J.P. 1979 HistGeoBiography
20798 India Infrastructure Report 2010 Three I Network, Social Science
19671 India is for sale Subramaniam, Chitra Social Science
India of Vadic Kalpasutras Ram Gopal 1959 HistGeoBiography
C3245 India science and technology 2008/edited by P.Banerjee 2009 S&T
19840 India the first fifty years Adhikari, Gautam ed 1997 S&T
India three thousand Years ago : Social state of the Aryas on the banks of the Indus in the times at the Vadas : Lecture Wilson, John HistGeoBiography
14358 India who's who 1971 Satyajit, S ed 1971 HistGeoBiography
15812 India who's who 1975-76 Satyajit, ed 1976 HistGeoBiography
16289 India who's who 1977-78 Satyajit, ed 1978 HistGeoBiography
17136 India who's who 1980-81 Satyajit, ed 1981 HistGeoBiography
18747 India who's who 1989-90 Inderjit, ed 1990 HistGeoBiography
16770 India whos who1978-79 1979 HistGeoBiography
India's contribution to world thought and culture Lockesh, Chandra 1970 Generalia
India: 50 years of independence Khanna, S.K 1997 S&T
20156 India: a history Keay, John 2000 HistGeoBiography
17309 India: a reference annual 1981 1981 Generalia
17685 India: a statistical outline 1984 Social Science
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