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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
16560 Logic for mathematician Hamilton, A.G 1978 Mathematics
5456 Logic in elementary mathematics Exner, Robert M 1959 Mathematics
C1665 Logic in the 20th century : Series of papers on the present state and tendencies of studies Chiara, Maria Luisa Dalla Philosophy & Religion
15123 Logic methodology and philosophy of science iv : proceedings Suppes, Patrick 1973 Philosophy & Religion
15113 Logic of living systems!History of heredity Jacob, Francois. 1974 Biosci & Paleontology
4729 Logic of scientific discovery Popper, Karl R 1959 Generalia
15109 Logical and epistemological studies in contermporary physics Cohen, Robert Cohen 1974 Physics
16830 Logico algebric approch to quantum mehanics Hooker, C.A. 1979 Physics
Lokayata : Study in ancient Indian Materialism Chattopadhyayad, Debiprasad 1959 Philosophy & Religion
C979 Long range forecasting and planning : proceedings 1966 Social Science
17474 Long-term energy resources Meyer, R.F. 1981 Engineering
C2570 Looking for leads:shipwreeks of the past revealed by contemporary documents and the archaeological record Ahlstrom, Christian HistGeoBiography
399 Loran : Long range navigation Pierce, J.A. 1948 Engineering
18945 Lord of Uraniborg: biography of Tycho Brahe Thoren, Victor E 1990 HistGeoBiography
6862 Lords & Ladies Prime, Cecil T 1960 Botany
14096 Lorentz group and harmonic analysis Ruhl, W 1970 Mathematics
5972 Lorousse encyclopedia of astronomy Raudaux, lucien Vaucouleurs G. 1959 Astronomy
10721 Lost words Cottrell, Leonard. 1962 Biosci & Paleontology
7470 Louis Pasteur: fighting hero of science Grant, Madeleine P 1960 HistGeoBiography
6670 Love in action: Sociology of sex Henriques, Fernando 1959 Philosophy & Religion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
