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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17171 Lateralization Process : Proceedings 1981 Earth
17124 Latin America Richards, Robert A. C 1975 S&T
828 Lattice theory Birkhoff, Garrett 1948 Mathematics
14587 Lattice vibrations Donovan, B 1971 Physics
C1933 Law science and environment Anand, R.P. 1987 Biosci & Paleontology
18388 Laws and other worlds: a humean account of laws and counterfactuals Wilson, Fred 1986 S&T
12652 Laws of large numbers Revesz, Pal 1968 Mathematics
Laws of manu Buhler, Georg 730 1969 Philosophy & Religion
12514 Layered igneous rocks Wager, L.R 1968 Earth
7647 Lead isotopes in geology Russell, R.D. 1960 Earth
19777 Leaders of straw:India's first 50 years Moddie, A.D. 1997 HistGeoBiography
19779 Leadership and the new science:learning about organization from an orderly universe Wheatley, Margaret J 1992 S&T
15505 Learned societies and institutions in India : Activities and publication Singh, Mohinder 220 1975 Generalia
Learners’ Hindi - English Dictionary 1993 Generalia
2699 Learning and instinct in animals Thorpe, W.H. 1956 Zoology
19341 Learning to lead : a workbook on becoming a leader Bennis, Warren 1994 Management
18485 Learning to program in structures COBOL Yourdon, Edward 1987 Industries & Building
19753 Learning to use the internet : an introduction with examples and exercise and exercises Ackermann, Ernest 1996 Industries & Building
1173 Lecons propagations DES ondes : Equations de L'Hydrodynamique Hadamard, Jacques 1949 Physics
12675 Lecture notes on elementary topology and geometry Singer, I.M 1967 Mathematics
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