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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
10299 Mathematics of physics and chemistry Margenau, Henry 1964 Mathematics
7765 Mathematics of Radiative transfer Busbridge, I.W. 1960 Astronomy
1021 Mathematics of Relativity Rainich, G.Y 1950 Physics
16629 Mathematics today : Twelve informal essays Steen, Lynn Arthur 1978 Mathematics
17242 Mathematics tomorrow Steen, Lynn Arthur 1981 Mathematics
5138 Mather and light : New Physics De broglie, Louis 1939 Physics
12641 Matric spaces Copson, E.T 1968 Mathematics
10621 Matrice analysis for electrical enineers Weiss, Alexander Von 1964 Mathematics
2653 Matrise calculus Bodewig, E 1956 Mathematics
9519 Matrix iterative analysis Varga, Richard S. 1962 Mathematics
9646 Matrix methods in elasto mechanics Pestel, Eduard C 1963 Mathematics
10535 Matrix methods in optical instrument design Brouwner, Willem 1964 Industries & Building
13295 Matrix theory Franklin, Joel N 1968 Mathematics
4094 Matrix theory for physiscists Heading, J. 1958 Mathematics
Matsya Purana: Study: Exposition of the oneient Purana-Vidya: 1963 Philosophy & Religion
16878 Matter in motion : Spirit and evolution of physics Abers, Ernest S 1977 Physics
5189 Matter motion Maxwell, J. Cleark 1877 Physics
Maurya and sumga art Ray, Niharranjan. 1965 Arts & Literature
5776 Max-planck-festschrift 1958 Kockel, B Physics
13542 Maxwell Equations : Non-Relativistic Derivations from Electron theory Degroot, S.R 1969 Physics
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