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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Methods of theoretical physics Morse, Philip M 1953 Physics
1421 Methods of theortical physics Morse, Philip M 1953 Physics
19267 Methyl mercury Toxication and chelating Sood, P.P. Vinay S.D. Raghu K. 1995 Biosci & Paleontology
18671 Methyl trophy and biotechnology Large, Peter J. 1988 Biosci & Paleontology
434 Metre-Kilogram-second system of Electrical units Sas, R.K 1947 Physics
C983 Metric change in India Verman, Lal C. Social Science
Metrology : Historical surveys Khargian, A.Kh. 1970 Earth
11074 Michael Faraday L.P. Williams. HistGeoBiography
11079 Michael Faraday : Biography Williams, L. Pearce 1965 HistGeoBiography
18045 Micro computers in science teaching Sparkes, R.A 1982 S&T
15323 Microbial aspects of pollution 1971 Medical Sci
13745 Microbial Biogeochemistry Zajic, James E 1969 Earth
C1313 Microbial processes: Promising technologies for developing countries 1979 Chem Tech
16422 Microbiology :an environmental perspective Edmonds, Paul. 1978 Biosci & Paleontology
2961 Microbiology: General and applied Sarles, William Bowen. 1956 Biosci & Paleontology
13212 Microclimate of the USSR Gol'tsberg, I.A. . 1969 Earth
18545 Microcosms Burgess, Jeremy. 1987 Biosci & Paleontology
13416 Microcosms and drug oxidations: Proceedings Gillette, James R.. 1969 Biosci & Paleontology
4458 Microeconomic Theory : Mathematical approach Henderson, James S 1958 Social Science
15534 Microencapssulation : processes and applications Vandgaer, Jan E. ed 1973 Chem Tech
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