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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Markandeya's Prakrta-sarvasva Acharya, Krishna Chandra. 1968 Arts & Literature
18143 Marking of the earth Fifield, Richard 1985 Earth
12870 Markov processes and potential theory : Proceedings of a symposium Chover, Joshus 1967 Mathematics
C1181 Mars As viewed by Mariner 9 : A practical presentation by the marine 9 television team and the planelology program Prenci: National Aeronautics and space Astronomy
2205 Marshall's physiology of reproduction 1956 Medical Sci
17182 Marston Morse selected papers Bott, Raoul ed 1981 Mathematics
18473 Martinus Van Marum:life and work Forbes, R.J. ed. 1969 Chemistry
13769 Marvelous animals : Introduction to the protozoa Curtis, Hellena 1969 Zoology
20618 Marvels of Indian iron through the ages R. Balasubramaniam 2008 S&T
10343 Marvels of the sea and shore Arnold, Oren 1963 Earth
C2062 Marx : Notes on Indian history(664-1858) Apresyan, S. 1986 HistGeoBiography
9835 Mass and abundance tables for use in mass spectrometry Beynon, J.H 1963 Chemistry
19169 Mass extinction debates : how science works in a crisis Geen, BWilliam ed 1994 S&T
18824 Mass extinctions: Processes and evidence Donoven, Stephen K. 1989 Biosci & Paleontology
C1944 Mass media and new energy sources Chaturvedi, Pradeep 1982 Engineering
7558 Mass spectrometry and its applications to organic chemistry Beynon, J.H 1960 Chemistry
16439 Master builders : History of structural and environmental design from ancient Egypt to the nineteenth century Cowan, Henry J 1977 Industries & Building
20027 Master of moder physics: the scientific contributions of H.A.Kramers Haar, D.Ter 1998 Physics
18507 Mastering 1 2 3 Jorgensen, Carolyn 1986 Industries & Building
19492 Mastering internet Cady, Glee Harrah 1995 Industries & Building
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