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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
11491 Newars: Etho-sociological study of a Himalayan Community Nepali, Gopal Singh. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
C1418 Newer Concepts in nutrition and their implications for policy 1982 Medical Sci
11548 Newer methods of nutritional biochemistry with applications and interpretations Albanese, Anthony A. ed. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
9484 Newnes concise encyclopedia of nuclear energy Barnes, D.E. ed 1962 Engineering
17661 Newtomian revolution : With illustrations of the Transformation of scientific ideas Cohen, I. Bernard 1980 Physics
19215 Newton and the culture of newtonianism Dobbs, Betty JoTeeter 1995 Physics
71 Newton tercentenary celebrations Royal society, London 1947 Generalia
11 Newton tercentenary celebrations 15-19 July 1946: proceedings 1947 Generalia
19009 Newton to Einstein the trail of light: an excursion to the wave-particle duality and the special theory of relativity Baierlin, Ralph 1992 Physics
19082 Newton's clock: chaos in the solar system Peterson, Ivars. 1993 Astronomy
19271 Newton's principles for the common reader Chandrashekhar, S 1995 Physics
C941 Next fifty years in space Moore, Patrick 1976 Engineering
19089 Next one hundred years: shaping the fate of our living earth Weiner, Jonathan. 1990 Biosci & Paleontology
19444 Nice in quantum hand : an allegory of quantum physics Gilmone, BRobert 1994 Physics
C1696 Nicholus Copernicus Complete Works Czartoryski, Pawel ed Generalia
C1902 Niels Bohr : Centenary volume French, A.P.. 1985 HistGeoBiography
16611 Niels Bohr : Collected works Rud Nielsen, J. 1972 Physics
12181 Niels Bohr : His life and work as seen by his friends and colleagues Rozental, S. 1967 HistGeoBiography
19153 Niels Bohr and contemporary philosophy Faye, Jan 1994 Physics
Niels bohr and the development of physics Pauli, W. 1955 Physics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
