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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
1049 Oak ridge story : The saga of a people who share in History Robinson, George O 1950 Physics
18572 Oasis in space : Earth history from the beginning Cloud, Preston 1988 Earth
J4261 Obituary notices of fellows of the royal society 1932-35 1935 Generalia
19437 Object-orinted software engineering :A use case drivers Approach Jackobson, Ivar 1992 Industries & Building
C959 Objective knowledge : An evolutionary Approach Popher, Karl R 1972 Philosophy & Religion
Obscure religlous cults Dasgupta, Shashibhusan. 1962 Philosophy & Religion
15221 Observation and explanation : Guide to Philosophy of Science Hanson, Norwood Russel 1971 S&T
3770 Observation and inter pretation : Symposium of philosophers and physicists Korner, S 1957 Physics
4511 Observations made at the royal observatory Greenwoch 1994 : In Astronomy magnetism and meteorology Jones, Harold Spencs. 1955 Astronomy
17978 Observing Universe Henbest, Nigel. 1984 Astronomy
11383 Obuvres scientifiques Lorenz, L 1965 Mathematics
C2180 Ocean science and Technology Rao, B.L.S Prakasa. 1991 Earth
C2179 Ocean science and technology: proceedings Rao, B.L.S. Prakasa ed 1991 Earth
C1561 Ocean science for the year two thousand 1984 Earth
C2700 Ocean science: Trends and future directions Somayajulu, B.L.K. ed 1998 Earth
11241 Ocean wave spectra : Proceedings 1963 Earth
17353 Oceanic lithosphere Emiliani, Cesare 1981 Earth
14195 Oceanography : Introduction to the marine environment Weyl, Peter K 1970 Earth
4411 Oceanography and marine biology Barnes, H. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
17310 Oceanography: Past : Proceedings Sears, M. . 1980 Earth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
