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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
19891 Organizing scientific meetings Epple, August 1997 S&T
274 Organizing scientific research for war : Administrative history of the office of scientific researh and development Stewart, Irwin. Social Science
12614 Organosilicon Compounds Bazant, Vladimir 1965 Chemistry
Oriental art a hand book of styles and forms Auboyer, Jeannine. 1979 Arts & Literature
15322 Origen and Development of living systems Brooks, J. 1973 Biosci & Paleontology
16226 Origin and development of stupa Architecture in India Part, Sushila. 1976 Arts & Literature
10814 Origin and evolution of atmospheres and oceans : Proceedings Brancazio, Peter J. 1964 Earth
17622 Origin and Evolution of Galavyies Sabbata, Venzode. 1982 Astronomy
13935 Origin of continents and oceans Wegener, Alfrad. 1966 Earth
13173 Origin of cosmic rays Ginzburg, V.L 1964 Physics
14793 Origin of Homo sapiens: Proceedings Bordes, F.. 1972 Biosci & Paleontology
14694 Origin of life by natural causes Rutten, M.G. 1971 Biosci & Paleontology
3595 Origin of life on the earth Oparin, A.I. 1957 Biosci & Paleontology
19086 Origin of modern humans Lewin, Roger 1993 Zoology
7057 Origin of species and the descent of man Darwin, Charles. 1972 Biosci & Paleontology
6540 Origin of species by Charles Darwin: Variourum text Peckham, Morse. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
12481 Origin of terrestrial vertebrates Schmalhausen, I.I. 1968 Zoology
16935 Origin of the earth and moon Ringwood, A.E. 1979 Earth
16620 Origin of the solar system Dermett, S.F. 1978 Astronomy
Original theory or new Hypothesis of the Universe 1750 Hoskin, Michael A 730. 1971 Astronomy
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