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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
5969 Physical methods of investigating textiles Meredith, R. 1959 Industries & Building
11821 Physical oceanography Defant, Albert 1961 Earth
833 Physical principles of the quantum theory Heisenberg, Werner 1930 Physics
10778 Physical processes in radiation biology:Proceedings Augenstein, Leroy. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
9631 Physical processes in stellar interiors Frank- Kamenetskii, D.A. 1962 Astronomy
850 Physical properties of class Stanworth, J.E. 1950 Chem Tech
11364 Physical properties of diamond Berman, R.. 1965 Chemistry
9316 Physical properties of polymers Bueche, F 1962 Industries & Building
9762 Physical properties of the steroid harmones Engel, Lewis L.. 1963 Biosci & Paleontology
10320 Physical science Cleveland, John. 1629 Astronomy
15321 Physical science : With emiron mental applications Wiggins, Arthur W 1974 Mathematics
Physical science in the middle ages Grant, Edward 1971 Mathematics
9952 Physical techniques in biological research Nastuk,Villiam L.. 1962 Biosci & Paleontology
16844 Physical theory as logico-operational structure Hooker, C.A. 1979 Physics
5311 Physical theory of Neutron chain reactors Weinberg, Alvin M 1958 Physics
15827 Physical thought: from the pre-Socratic to the quantum physicists an anthrology Sambursky, Sumuel ed 1974 S&T
18748 Physicalism in mathematics Irvine, A.D. 1990 Mathematics
18987 Physicists look back: Studies in the history of physics Roche, John ed 1990 Physics
11453 Physico-chemical coastants of pure organic compounds Temmermans, J 1905 Physics
13651 Physicochemical principles of semiconductors doping Glazov, V.M 1968 Physics
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