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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
4104 Papers in marine biology and oceanography Bigelow, Henry Bryant. 1955 Biosci & Paleontology
10319 Papers in Marine Geology: Shepard Commemorative Volume Miller, Robert L. 1964 Earth
10201 Papers on human genetics Boyer, Samuel H.. 1963 Biosci & Paleontology
6973 Papers on national income and allied topics Rao, Social Science
4600 Paracelsus : Introduction to philosophical medicine in the era of the renaissance Withdrawn 1958 Medical Sci
164 Paramagnetic relascation Gorter, C.J 1947 Physics
2849 Parasite and parasitism Cameron, Thomas W.M 1956 Zoology
2834 Parasitic animals Lapage, Geoffrey 1959 Zoology
6686 Parasitology : Relation to clinical medicine 1958 Medical Sci
8259 Pareys Blumengartnerei Encke, Fritz. 1958 Agriculture
8515 Paris symposium on Radio Astronomy Bracewell, Ronald N. 1959 Astronomy
9845 Parotids of the biological fluids: Proceedings Peeters, H.. 1963 Biosci & Paleontology
3299 Parthenogenesis and poly policy in mammalian development Beatty, R.A 1957 Zoology
15975 Partial differential equations Copson, E.T. 1975 Mathematics
16646 Partial differential equations in biology : 1975-1976 Peskin, Charles S 1976 Mathematics
5871 Partial differential equations of mathematical physics Bateman, H Mathematics
9020 Particle accelerators Livingston, M. Stanley 1962 Engineering
15578 Particle accelerators : Brief History Livingston, M. Stonley 1969 Engineering
12884 Particles and fields Lurie, David 1968 Physics
3823 Partition Chromatography: Proceedings Williams, R.T.. 1951 Biosci & Paleontology
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