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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
15840 Political economy of brain drain:reverse transfer of technology Kabra, Kamal Nayan 1976 S&T
16077 Political ideas and ideals in the Mahabharata : Study of the first two parvans Sinha, N.K.P 1976 Philosophy & Religion
Politics and society during the early medieval Period : Collected works of professor Mohammad Habib Nizami, K.A. 1974 HistGeoBiography
17639 Politics of gods: churning of the ocean: a scientific analysis Dhani, S.L 1984 Philosophy & Religion
1750 Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy Erdtman, G. 1952 Botany
16295 Pollutants and high-risk groups :the biological basis of increased human susceptibility to environmental and occupationa 1978 Medical Sci
15290 Pollution : balance of nature 1972 Medical Sci
16093 Pollution control for agriculture Loehr, Raymond C 1977 Engineering
15794 Pollution engineering practice handbook Cheremisin Off, Paul N. 1975 Engineering
12331 Poly-d-amino acids : Protein models for conformational studies Fasman, Gerald D. 1967 Chemistry
11381 Polyesters Korshak, V.V 1965 Industries & Building
2156 Polymer processes Schildknecht, Calvin E. 1956 Industries & Building
C2233 Polymer science Gowariker, V.R 1986 Industries & Building
12177 Polymorphism and polytypism in crystals Verma, Ajit Ram 1966 Chemistry
C862 Polytechnical dictionary Walther, Ing. Roudolf ed 1973 S&T
13492 Polyurethane technology Bruins, Paul F. 1969 Industries & Building
9851 Polyurethanes : chemistry and technology Saunders, J.H 1962 Industries & Building
19413 Popular science of science and scientists Kothare, A.N. [et al] 1994 HistGeoBiography
6345 Population : First essay Malthus, Thomas Robert. 1959 Social Science
15630 Population and the new biology : Proceedings Writn Off Benjamin, Bernard 1974 Social Science
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