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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
13276 Population genetics Ewens, W.J. 1969 Biosci & Paleontology
15684 Population growth and human development D'Souza, Social Science
C1605 Population of India 1982 Social Science
15353 Population policy in developed countries : Population council book Berelson, Bernard Social Science
C2369 Population: complex reality: report of the population summit of the world's scientific academies Graham-Smith, Francis. 1994 Biosci & Paleontology
19071 Portable India Suraiya, Jug 1994 HistGeoBiography
15571 Portrait of nature: the world as seen by modern science Cottrell, Alan 1974 S&T
Portuguese trade with India in the sixteenth century Mathew, K.S 1983 Social Science
C1695 Position annihilation : Proceedings Jain, P.C. 1985 Physics
Position of women in Hindu civilisation # from prehistoric times to the present day# Motilal: Social Science
11313 Position of women in primitive societies and other essays in social anthropology Evans-Pritchard, E.E 1965 Social Science
15431 Positive sciences in the vedas Mehta, D.D 1974 S&T
Positive sciences of the ancient Hindus Seal, Brajendranath 1958 S&T
17004 Positron annihilation : Proceedings Jain, P.C. 1980 Physics
13942 Possibilities of charting modern life: Symposium for ethnological research about modern time in stockholmmarch 1967 Erixon, Sigurd. 1970 Biosci & Paleontology
Post Harvest food Conservation Indian National science Academy. 1981 Agriculture
C1301 Post harvest food Conservation : Workshop 1981 Chem Tech
Post Harvest Technology of cereals and pulses Pingale, S V. 1973 Agriculture
C1713 Post-Harvest Loss Reduction in fruits & vegetable : A Review with special reference to Pakistan Aslam, M. 1963 Agriculture
C1571 Poster session papers : Proceedings 1984 Engineering
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