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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
4345 Principles of biochemistry White, Abraham. 1954 Biosci & Paleontology
4262 Principles of biological micro technique!Study of fixation and dyeing Baker, John R. 1958 Biosci & Paleontology
12527 Principles of Biometry: Statistics for Biologist Woolf, Charles M. 1968 Biosci & Paleontology
13827 Principles of by hydrology Ward, R.C 1967 Earth
13711 Principles of comparative anatomy of invertebrates Beklemishev, W.N 1969 Zoology
11628 Principles of computation Calingaert, Peter 1965 Industries & Building
12096 Principles of desalination Spiegler, K.S. 1966 Engineering
11862 Principles of development and differentiation Waddington, C.H. 1966 Biosci & Paleontology
15052 Principles of dispersal in higher plants Pijl, L.Van Der 1972 Botany
67771 Principles of Electricity and Magnetosm Pugh, Emerson M 1960 Physics
6718 Principles of electronic instrumentation Partridge, Gordon R 1958 Industries & Building
2272 Principles of embryology Waddington, C.H 1956 Zoology
15647 Principles of environmental science Watt, Kenneth E.F. 1973 Biosci & Paleontology
15640 Principles of experimentation and measurement Bragg, Gordon M 1974 Physics
1382 Principles of field and mining geology Forrester, James Doanld 1949 Earth
3981 Principles of field biology and ecology Benton, Allen H. 1958 Biosci & Paleontology
12275 Principles of field protective forestation Logginov, B.I. 1964 Agriculture
5528 Principles of Fisheries development Bottemanned, C.J. 1959 Agriculture
6713 Principles of Geochemical Prospecting : Techniques of Prospecting for non-ferrous ores and rare metals Ginzburg, I.I 1960 Earth
1213 Principles of Geochemistry Mason, Brian 1952 Earth
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