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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
4716 Principles of modern Physics French, A.P 1958 Physics
8542 Principles of nematology Thorne, Gerald 1961 Zoology
8492 Principles of nuclear magnetism Abragam, A 1961 Physics
1775 Principles of numerical analysis Householder, Alston S 1953 Mathematics
13666 Principles of operations research with applications to managerial decisions Wagner, Harvey M 1969 Management
5745 Principles of optics : Electromagnetic theory of propagation inter ference and diffraction of light Born, Max 1959 Physics
3229 Principles of organic evolution Lindsey, Arthur Ward. 1952 Biosci & Paleontology
9732 Principles of pale ecology!Introduction to the study of how and where animals and plants lived in the past Ager, Derek V. 1963 Biosci & Paleontology
9578 Principles of Paleontology Glaesneer, Martin F. 1945 Biosci & Paleontology
6924 Principles of petroleum geology Russell, William L. 1960 Earth
11055 Principles of physical geology Holmes, Arthur. 1965 Earth
11893 Principles of Physical Oceanography Neumann, Gerhard 1966 Earth
4553 Principles of physical optics Mach, Ernst 1926 Physics
4719 Principles of quantum electrode namics Thirring, Walter E 1958 Physics
93 Principles of quantum mechanics Dirac, P.A.M 1947 Physics
11647 Principles of radiation protection engineering Dresner, Lawrence 1965 Engineering
10622 Principles of random walk Spitzer, Frank 1964 Mathematics
12176 Principles of Relatvity Physics Anderson, James L 1967 Physics
10943 Principles of reliability Pieruschkaf, Erich 1963 Engineering
529 Principles of sedimentation Twenhofel, W.H 1939 Earth
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