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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
5764 Proceedings of the fourth national conference on tube techniques 1959 Engineering
10785 Proceedings of the fourth world Forestry congress 1954 Agriculture
C2101 Proceedings of the Fourth-Asian Congress of Fluid mechanics Ko, N.W.M 1989 Physics
C1247 Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary meeting on hydrogen in metals: Proceedings 1980 Chem Tech
C1855 Proceedings of the International conference on Experimental mechanics Ruqing, Li 1985 Physics
C1639 Proceedings of the international Conference on nuclear physics : Proceedings Jain, B.K. 1985 Physics
C2668 Proceedings of the International Conference on stochastic procasses Krishnamoorthy, A ed Mathematics
11786 Proceedings of the International conference on the Ionosphere 1963 Earth
2191 Proceedings of the international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy 1956 Engineering
1513 Proceedings of the international congress of mathematician 1950 1952 Mathematics
4474 Proceedings of the international congress of mathematician 1954 Gerretsen, Johan C.H. 1957 Mathematics
1514 Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians 1950 1952 Mathematics
C277 Proceedings of the International school of physics Zainichelli, Nicola. , 1959 Physics
18154 Proceedings of the International School of Physics#Enrico feme Degiorgio, V. 1985 Physics
18153 Proceedings of the International School of Physics#Enrico Fermi Bassani, F. 1985 Physics
Proceedings of the international school of physics: positron spectroscopy of solids Dupasquier, A. . ed 1995 Physics
C1421 Proceedings of the International Scientific workshop on Ecosystem Dynamics in Freshwater wet lands andshalom water Bod Logofet, D.O 220. 1982 Biosci & Paleontology
4239 Proceedings of the international symposium on enzymes chemistry 1958 Biosci & Paleontology
3948 Proceedings of the International symposium on isotope seperation Kistemaker, J 1958 Physics
8602 Proceedings of the international symposium on Linear spaces 1961 Mathematics
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