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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
19731 Programming and problem solving with C++ Date, Nell 1997 Industries & Building
20530 Programming ASP Net Liberty Jesse 2006 Industries & Building
18512 Programming the intel 80 386 Smith, Bud E 1987 Industries & Building
19855 Programming Windows 95 Petzold, Charles 1996 Industries & Building
18374 Programming with d Base II Prague, Cary N 1984 Industries & Building
19985 Programming with visual age for Java Carrel-Billiard, Marc 1998 Industries & Building
18586 Progress in atmospheric Physics : Proceedings Rodrigo, R. 1988 Earth
C2098 Progress in avian osmoregulation Hughes, Maryanne R. 340 1989 Zoology
5779 Progress in biochemistry: Report on biochemical problems and on biochemical research since 1949 Haurowitz, Felix. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
1312 Progress in biochemistry:Report on biochemical Problems and on biochemical research since 1939 Haurowitz, Felix. 1950 Biosci & Paleontology
11508 Progress in biocybernetics Wiener, Norbert ed 1965 Engineering
14627 Progress in bioorganic Chemistry Kaiser, E.T.. 1971 Biosci & Paleontology
3137 Progress in biophysics and biophysical chemistry Butler, J.A.V. ed. 1956 Biosci & Paleontology
15050 Progress in biophysics and molecular biology Butler, J.A.V. 1973 Biosci & Paleontology
17196 Progress in cancer biochemistry in memory of Dr. Waro Nakahra 1979 Medical Sci
9654 Progress in Dieletries Birks, J.B.. , 1960 Physics
12046 Progress in industrial diamond technology Burls, John 1966 Industries & Building
14204 Progress in Low Temperature Physics Gorter, C.J 1970 Physics
14745 Progress in molecular and sub cellular biology: Proceedings Hahn, F.E.. 1971 Biosci & Paleontology
2730 Progress in neurobiology : Proceedings 1956 Medical Sci
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