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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
5124 Philosophy of space & Time Reichevbach, Hans 1958 Physics
Philosophy of space and time and the inner constitutions of nature : Phenomenological study Whiteman, Michal 1967 Philosophy & Religion
Philosophy of the upanishads : Ancient Indian Metaphysics Gough, Archibald Edward 1891 Philosophy & Religion
12686 Phospholipids : Chemistry metabolism and function Ansell, G.B. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
8555 Phosphorus and its compounds Van Wazer, John R. 1961 Chem Tech
1907 Phosphorus metabolism: Proceedings McElroy, William D.. 1951 Biosci & Paleontology
1512 Phosphorus metabolism:Proceedings McElroy, William D.. 1952 Biosci & Paleontology
8966 Photo and thermoelectric effects in semiconductors Taug, Jan 1962 Physics
14085 Photo electronic imaging devices Biberman, Lucien M. 1971 Physics
10377 Photochemistry of proteins and nucleic acids McLaren, A. D. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
10362 Photographic atlas of shark anatomy : Gross morphology of squalus acanthias Gans, Carl 1964 Zoology
14256 Photolytic enzymes Perlmann, Gertrude E. ed. 1970 Biosci & Paleontology
11170 Photoperiodism and related phenomena in plants and animals: Proceedings Withrow, Robert B.. Biosci & Paleontology
10357 Photophysiology Giese, Arthur C. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
9848 Photosynthesis of carbon compounds Calvin, Melvin. 1962 Chemistry
16667 Photovoltaic Power generation Pulfrey, David L 1978 Engineering
4683 Physcial basis for electrical engineering Marthin, Thomas 1958 Physics
2081 Physic DER sternat mospharen Unsold, A. 1955 Astronomy
10519 Physical acoustics : Principles and methods Mason, Warren P. 1964 Physics
14872 Physical acoustics : Principlesand methods Mason, Warren P 1970 Physics
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